
This page currently contains suggested standards for a few types of topics. Please visit the talk page to discuss how the standards should be looking.


Here is my suggestion of how a creature article should look like:

Hitpoints: 450<br>
Experience: 290<br>
Summon: n/a<br>
Convince: n/a<br>
'''Immunities:''' [[Poison]], [[Paralyze]], [[Invisibility]]<br>
'''Special abilities:''' [[Paralyze]], [[Life Drain]]<br>
'''Runs?:''' A vampire doesn't run away when in low health.
'''Pushable?:''' A vampire cannot be pushed around.
'''Description:''' A strong and fast [[Creatures#Undead|undead monster]] that can be found in [[Drefia]], [[Ghost Ship]] and some of the tombs under the desert in [[Ankrahmun]].<br>
'''Loot:''' [[GP]], [[Katana]], [[Vampire shield]], [[Meat]], [[Grave flower]]

Creatures - explaination

  • The article should start with an image of the creature. The image should be left aligned.
  • Then we will list hitpoints it has, experience it gives, mana needed to summon and convince it. Nothing strange with this.
  • Next up to list are the immunities and special abilities the creature might have. These should be made into internal links.
  • After immunities and specials we will write an description about the creature. Some good things to mention here are how they attack. Do they keep distance or run up their targets? Do they run away when they have red health? Are they good for powergaming or for group hunts or anything? What creature category are they listed in on the Creatures page? Make a internal link to that category as shown in my example above. If you write about places where they can be found, then don't forget to add internal linking to towns and areas.
  • The last thing to write about is the loot. I don't see this part as something important personally. Perhaps only list rare and useful items, like crown shield, meat, GP etc?


My suggestion to how topics on spells should look like:

'''Name:''' Great Light<br>
'''Effect:''' A [[spell]] that will create strong light around you.<br>
'''Words:''' [[Utevo gran lux]]<br>
'''Mana:''' 50 MP<br>
'''Magic level:''' 3<br>
'''Vocations:''' Available for [[Druid|Druids]] and [[Sorcerer|Sorcerers]].<br>
'''Price to learn:''' 500 gold<br>
'''Cities teching:''' [[Thais]], [[Carlin]], [[Venore]], [[Darashia]]

Spells - explaination

  • Name contains the full name of the spell with capital letter.
  • Effect describes what happens when you use the spell. If it is a rune, perhaps explain how it shoots (one field, nine fields, only on creatures or in mid air etc). Also write what type of attack it is, if it is an attack rune (for example fire, energy, physical, poison).
  • Words are the words say to do the spell. For example Utevo lux for Light.
  • Mana is for how much mana the spell costs to do.
  • Magic level is which magic level you need to cast the spell.
  • Vocations tells which vocations that can buy the spell.
  • Price to learn tells the price the spell costs to learn from an NPC.
  • Cities teaching should be the cities you can learn this spell at.

If it is a runespell, don't forget to add which magic level you need to use the rune!
